[LAU] poll : Advertising vs Linux Audio
f.rech at yahoo.fr
Sun Apr 22 20:19:03 UTC 2012
Le 22/04/2012 12:12, Patrick Shirkey a écrit :
> On Sun, April 22, 2012 11:24 am, Robin Gareus wrote:
>> On 04/22/2012 11:15 AM, Patrick Shirkey wrote:
>>> I'm still not sure why you don't want businesses to give people round
>>> here
>>> money.
>> Not at all. "people 'round here" can take all the money they want from
>> anyone for whatever they deem fit.
>> but linuxaudio.org itself will have a hard time. Usually money comes
>> with obligations and we are in no position to handle that properly.
> Maybe I am naive but I thought our obligation as a consortium was to
> discuss these topics and come to a workable solution that benefits all
> members.
>> Currently there is no flow of money in or out of linuxaudio.org - it's
>> all volunteer work and hosting is sponsored by vt.edu.
>>> Are you also advocating the idea that *no one* should make money
>>> from Linux Audio?
>> certainly not.
>>> Are you also adverse to all forms of advertising in relation to Linux
>>> Audio?
>> Personally, I'm averse against all forms of advertising :)
> That's interesting. So how do you feel about for example, Google? A Linux
> focused company that makes the bulk of it's revenue from advertising, that
> contributes a significant amount of money to open source development and
> even employs members of this the Linux Audio Community. They also happen
> to be one of the largest companies in the tech world.
> Would you prefer Redhat not to advertise and promote to allow them to
> achieve billions of dollars in sales? They also provide a significant
> amount of financial support to members of this community not to mention
> their contributions to the Kernel.
> How about Ubuntu? Should Mark Shuttelworth feel sorry for advertising the
> viability of the ubuntu experience? Should they stop marketing and
> promotions?
> What about Ardour and Harrison or even Trinity Audio Group? Should they
> stop accepting paid advertising or paying for advertising/marketing
> opportunities?
> What about all the trade shows where the sole purpose of such events is
> for self promotion and marketing?
> And then we have DJ's, musicians and event promoters. Should they all stop
> marketing themselves and just hope that people come to their gigs?
> Not to mention TV and Radio. Both industries represent a significant
> potential revenue stream for Linux Audio businesses.
> An least we forget about all the medical, scientific and other technology
> industries that require our skills to make progress. Do you really think
> everyone should stop marketing, promoting and advertising?
> Do you really think it is a reasonable policy for the Linux Audio
> Community let alone the Consortium which claims to support professional
> Linux Audio to be completely anti advertising?
> Do the other members of this community feel so strongly too? That
> advertising is without merit and should be avoided like the plague for
> fear of contaminating out precious Linux Audio Ecosystem.
> Are we so succeptable to the evil powers of corporations that seek to
> control our message and brand that we cannot manage to hold our own ground
> and even take control of the message for our own purposes to promote the
> viability and power of the Linux Audio Platform and tools?
> --
> Patrick Shirkey
> Boost Hardware Ltd
Wow ! It seems that post goes to a flame thrower, sorry I'm not sure of
the words but
it's really hot !
2 advices, apparently north/south... But let the simple Linux user I am
try to understand :
On 1 side, Patrick tells about the good side of commercial messages,
quoting medical
issues, Ardour/Mixbus, aso... And the (-vvv) message is understandable,
in a free human
beings terms (as is mind, no beer here)
Robin, on the other side, said that strong :
"Personally, I'm averse against all forms of advertising :)"
And please don't forget to see he's smiling at the end
It appears we are at crossroads. Means, turn what was a UNIQUE human beings
FREE co-operation to BAU,or not ?
I have no right to decide, but, you pleased my advice Patrick, so like to say
that Robin is right, because of FLOSS principles; and you're right, because
of FLOSS scattering. But my voice goes to Robin, because I never had believed in
consumer society. Look, Debian is 80% of IT server, does it come from advertising ?
I really think it's better to achieve any goal on your abilities than on any
commercial bludgeoning (word from reverso)), and Linux Audio will do it, no
doubt : we better need SOUNDBANKS than commercials, and guess what : sounds comes
from people not companies here !!! (and you know that Patrick)
It'll probably take more time in the way promoted by Robin, but it will not be
founded on the false stuff commercials have habit us, and it's a BIG difference !!
Peace& Understanding to everyone on this list,
Fred (sorry for so-so english, hope it's understood)
Ah, si chaque grain de sable choisissait d'apporter sa goutte d'eau, hein ?
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