[LAU] FLOSS your music: Robert Jonsson

Roberto Suarez Soto talkingxouba at gmail.com
Mon Jun 18 14:12:05 UTC 2012

El 18/06/12 08:48, Chris Bannister escribió:

>>      This time, the featured musician is Robert Jonsson. Hiding
>> behind "The Charles Dwaring Evolution Experience", he makes stoner
>                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> :(

     Well, speaking of "stoner metal", it seems the writer was a bit stoned 
when he wrote this ;-)

     My apologies, it should have been "The Charles Darwin Evolution 
Experience".  And just for the record, I've just corrected myself writing 
"Dwaring" again. It must mean something important that I'm missing :-)

     Roberto Suarez Soto                    I need a hurricane
                                          To wash my sins away

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