[LAU] Soviet Classical Radio Stream
Patrick Shirkey
pshirkey at boosthardware.com
Mon Aug 12 03:11:36 UTC 2013
On Mon, August 12, 2013 7:01 am, v_2e at ukr.net wrote:
> Hello!
> That's an interesting idea -- to run the radio station devoted to
> Soviet classic music. There are/were many great soviet composers whose
> works definitely deserve a wide distribution and recognition, which,
> unfortunately, is not the interest of the xUSSR republics governments.
> In this regard it is interesting to recall the fragment from the
> annotation on the 1994 audio CD cover:
> " I deeply enjoyed and admired the classical recordings of my youth
> (from the late 1950's to early 1970's). As I pondered why I now find it
> so hard to enjoy many contemporary releases, I realized that pure
> economics have played perhaps too large a role in the art of recording
> today.
> Think about how much one talented musician earns during one
> recording session. Now multiply that by 100 or more talented musicians.
> Now add in the cost of renting a huge, beautiful sounding concert hall
> where each seat normally commands $40 or more for each concert. Is it
> any wonder that the very idea of "experimenting" with one's recording
> craft in a particular hall with a full orchestra (maybe a chorus too)
> must be held to a bare minimum?
> During my recent visits to Moscow, Russia, I had many occasions to
> attend concerts at the Great Conservatory Hall (admission price: around
> 40 cents). I was immediately struck by the acoustics. Here was a
> treasure waiting to be shared. And the musicians! Russian musicians lay
> with their soul. their salary is not why they play. They don't really
> have a choice. They play for the passion of it all.
> After several inquiries, I met maestro Gorenstein. I was
> enthralled. What a fierce presence, intelligence and dedication. We
> quickly began a cooperative effort to bring a unique opportunity to
> life. Here was the chance to work with one hall and with a consistent
> group of very talented artists, until we got it right.
> This CD is not the first recording I've done at the Great Hall. But
> it _is_ the first where I'm ready to share the results. It is my
> pleasure to give you a true musical passion from the heart. It will not
> be the last.
> Gene Pope III, President, PopeMusic "
> (The CD is titled "Unlikely Silhouettes")
> Now turning back to your streaming server.
> 1. I've been listening to it for a couple of days with no problmes.
> 2. When I tried to open the streaming server's web-page, I got the
> following:
> Could not parse XSLT file
> This reminds me a problem I had once after an upgrade of the
> IceCast to a custom build. The problem was actually that the server was
> looking for the files in the "/usr/share/icecast2/web/" catalog, while
> the files were installed into the "/usr/share/icecast/web/" catalog. I
> solved the problem temporarily by installing a symlink "icecast2 -->
> icecast". Maybe, you have the similar problem?
Thanks for spotting that. Fixed now.
> 3. Is your Soviet classic music collection going to grow in the near
> future or not?
It is definitely a work in progress. We just added some more Tschaikovsky
today and continue to fine tune the config and selection.
> Thanks!
> Vladimir
Thanks for your support.
Patrick Shirkey
Boost Hardware Ltd
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