[LAU] Library for simple audio programming

James Harkins jamshark70 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 17 03:09:55 UTC 2013

On 01/16/2013 07:28 PM, Kjetil Matheussen wrote:
> James Harkins:
>> FWIW, this task is incredibly easy in SuperCollider:
> Perhaps it's easier than writing C, but there
> should be many alternatives that are easier than your example.
> For instance SND:
> (define reader (make-readin "filename.wav"))
> (call-with-output-file "outfile.txt"
>   (lambda (out)
>     (let loop ((i 0))
>       (if (< i (mus-length reader))
>           (begin
>             (format out "~A\n" (readin reader))
>             (loop (1+ i)))))))

I would debate that SND is "easier." Mine appeared to be more verbose 
because I commented heavily to explain everything. Without comments:

f = SoundFile.openRead(Platform.resourceDir +/+ "sounds/a11wlk01.wav");
f.seek(4410);  // 0.1 seconds in
f.readData(d = FloatArray.newClear(50));
o = File("~/samples.txt", "w");
d.do { |sample| o << sample << Char.nl };

... SC actually clocks in with one less line.

Not many people use SC for commandline scripting, but it is possible 

sclang sf-to-text.scd ~/share/SC/sounds/drums/kix/aphexbd.aif 
~/tmp/testout.txt 100 50

-------------- next part --------------
// commandline args: input file, output file, start frame, num frames to copy
var inpath, outpath, startFrame, numFrames, infile, outfile, data, chunkSize = 65536;
#inpath, outpath, startFrame, numFrames = thisProcess.argv;
startFrame = (startFrame ? 0).asInteger;
numFrames = (numFrames ? -1).asInteger;

protect {
	infile = SoundFile.openRead(inpath.standardizePath);
	if(infile.notNil) {
		if(numFrames <= 0) { numFrames = infile.numFrames };
		outfile = File(outpath.standardizePath, "w");
		if(outfile.isOpen) {
			while {
				numFrames > 0 and: {
					data = FloatArray.newClear(min(numFrames, chunkSize));
					data.size > 0
			} {
				data.do { |sample| outfile << sample << Char.nl };
				numFrames = numFrames - data.size;
		} {
			"ERROR: Couldn't open % for writing".format(outpath).postln;
	} {
		"ERROR: Couldn't open % for reading".format(inpath).postln;
} { |error|
	// cleanup function: always runs
	// so this always tidies up the file handles, error or no
	infile.tryPerform(\close); outfile.tryPerform(\close);
	// now we check if there was an error or not, for the return code
	if(error.notNil) {
		"Unhandled exception".postln;
	} {
		0.exit  // success

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