[LAU] options for hard real time kernel for raring 13.04

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net
Tue Sep 17 10:26:23 UTC 2013

Sorry, again a PS:

On Tue, 2013-09-17 at 09:42 +0100, Marco Donnarumma wrote:
> Shall I have run the installer when running the rt-kernel?

Only if you run

sudo sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-100.14.09-pkg1.run -a -K --kernel-name=$(uname -r)

you also could add the wanted kernel behind the "--kernel-name=" instead
of "$(uname -r)", when doing it running another kernel. IIRC you don't
need to sop X, when you only want to build the kernel module.

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