[LAU] Two songs made in Qtractor : Takkadum & Kleb Station
Louigi Verona
louigi.verona at gmail.com
Sun Apr 20 10:40:42 UTC 2014
Very nice! Impressive!
On Sun, Apr 20, 2014 at 2:35 PM, Philippe Coatmeur <philcm at gnu.org> wrote:
> Hi there
> Takkadum <http://opensimo.org/play/?a=Azer0,Counternatures&s=1> was made
> mid 2011 right before Automation was available, around 0.4.something, I
> guess
> 18 tracks : 10 MIDI tracks and 8 audio ones (using flac containers) ;
> - One 3 channels bus to sidechain-compress the 303-style bass (nekobee<http://www.rncbc.org/drupal/node/>)
> with the kick (a free 808 Sound font played by fluidsynth) using SC3<http://plugin.org.uk/ladspa-swh/docs/ladspa-swh.html#tth_sEc2.90>
> - the other cheap DR55 Beat elements are made with Rudolf 556<http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/rudolf556.html>
> - A Hexter <http://dssi.sourceforge.net/hexter.html> synth is doubling
> the bass in the subs
> - The organ is a Calf <http://calf.sourceforge.net/> organ
> - The Lead synth is a Calf <http://calf.sourceforge.net/> Monosynth
> - The guitar is a g10 double coil Ibanez in a focusrite preamp
> - The microphone is a chinese Neumann knockoff in a focusrite preamp
> - The girl asking "what" ? in the background is called Fatima-Zohra
> - Everybody is EQ'd with LADSPA C* 10 bands Equalizer from CAPS
> - Everybody is comp'd with Calf compressor DSSI
> - There is a LADSPA "Fast lookahead limiter" on the master out bus
> - The final bounce, a "normalize" and a quick and dirty fade out are
> made in Audacity
> Kleb Station <http://opensimo.org/play/?a=Azer0,Counternatures&s=7>(summer 2011 too) uses pretty
> much the same setup <http://www.rncbc.org/drupal/node/307> with more
> instruments<http://linuxfr.org/users/philippemc/journaux/kleb-station-une-chanson-100-libre>plugged in, a little automation (it was just out, and already worked really
> good) and sidechain-ducked bass ; I play on all the tracks.
> BTW the CMS <http://opensimo.org/play/> linked is a personal
> developpement, that automatically builds album pages by reading the tags
> (and optional - cover & stuff - images). It's yours if you want it.
> I used GNU / Linux to make music since around the time Jack was
> introduced. I spent coutless nights teaching myself how to use just about
> every single system available, and I always came back to Qtractor.
> Everything makes sense in Qtractor. And when it seems that it doesn't, a
> quick message on Rui Nuno's blog and you're out of the hole.
> The development is steady, focusing only on the core of the matter, and
> the result is a solid system, usable right now.
> Qtractor does not even try to be *everything*, it wants to be useful in
> the middle of the huge Linux audio production ecosystem, talking nice to
> everybody, implementing new techs & protocols silently, never breaking
> what's worked so far, bringing it all together. For me, it's the standard
> against witch I can compare everything else.
> Philippe (xaccrocheur)
> --
> Philippe Coatmeur
> * http://opensimo.org/adamweb/
> * https://github.com/xaccrocheur
> * http://opensimo.org/play
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Louigi Verona
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