[LAU] Midi Filter & Merger

Ede Wolf listac at nebelschwaden.de
Tue Mar 25 21:39:51 UTC 2014

I am not allergic to command line, *, but to me mididings seems more 
like  programming, which by far may overstrain me. Which unfortunately 
is also true for DIY Hardware.

However, I am sure mididings would be the definite answer to all my 
needs, once understood. Would be cool to have a kind of mididings plugin 
in qjackctl for each midi in and out port. Or think jack rack.

However, I haven't been aware (maybe I should just have tried), that 
jack would do somewhat reliable midi merging by  itself. Still, 
qmidiroute as filter seems rather limited. Or I haven't realised its 
full potential yet. Quite possible.

Sure, everything is software, even dedivated patchbays, but we do have 
the additional latency of travelling through USB/Parallel/Serial and 
back. Still, with an external clock I am confident it will be sufficient 
enough for me.

Thanks for your input

* in fact, cursynth, which I haven't been aware of, may break my "no 
softsynth for any reason" dogma, though I will admit, it's not really 
command line at all, but more terminal graphics.

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