dj_kaza at hotmail.com
Tue Nov 18 03:13:38 UTC 2014
On 07/11/14 05:34, Dirk wrote:
> New Macbook pro's are delivered with SSD afaik, so I guess it's pretty
> safe to use.
As safe as the working conditions at their Foxconn factory yeah?? ;-) :(
Seriously Fuck Apple Hard Sideways!! I don't understand how people who
can agree with the philosophies behind FLOSS can also support the least
ethical technology (and most profitable) company in the world! Yes
almost everybody uses Foxconn these days but not everybody defended the
installation of suicide nets as a sufficient way to "improve
conditions." And nobody else has as bad tax avoidance record.
I met a guy recently who spent a year working in Shenzhen (where the
main Foxconn factory which does most of Apple's work is located) and he
told me how on days off they used to go around the industrial areas,
freely walk into electronics factories and be approached by a
foreman/manager who would subsequently give them a tour around the whole
facility. Try and get any where near the Foxconn facilities (which are
pretty much a city in themselves) and you are faced with miles of
barbed-wired fences and gun-carrying jeeps keeping you outside!!
Shame poetry doesn't translate better:
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