[LAU] No ffmpeg, help convert script for Sox
F. Silvain
silvain at freeshell.de
Tue Nov 18 10:33:55 UTC 2014
Kazakore, Nov 18 2014:
> The previously working contents of flac2mp3 was:
> #!/bin/bash
> if [ -d "${1}" ] ; then
> cd "${1}" && for f in *.flac; do ffmpeg -i "$f" -f wav - | lame -b 320 -m j
> -q 0 - "${f%.flac}.mp3"; done
> fi
Why not install flac, if it isn't installed already and change your ffmpeg command in that line to:
flac -d -o - $f | lame ...
the rest as before. You might need to add the quiet/silent option for flac, depending on your version of lame.
> I tried quickly to edit.
> #!/bin/bash
> if [ -d "${1}" ] ; then
> cd "${1}" && for f in *.flac; do sox "$f" -b 16 "${f%.flac}.wav" - | lame
> -b 320 -m j -q 0 - "${f%.flac}.mp3"; done
> fi
> Seems to think the .wav is an incoming file for concatenation.
> #!/bin/bash
> if [ -d "${1}" ] ; then
> cd "${1}" && for f in *.flac; do sox "$f" -b 16 "${f%.flac}.wav" | lame -b
> 320 -m j -q 0 - "${f%.flac}.mp3"; done
> fi
> Gives me all the wav files converted but doesn't then pass them onto the lame
> section of the command.
> I'm sure this must be really simple! (As much having it all in one single
> script called by just executing the file!)
> Regards, Dale.
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