[LAU] Debian DAW experiences
Raffaele Morelli
raffaele.morelli at gmail.com
Mon Sep 1 09:42:41 UTC 2014
2014-09-01 7:42 GMT+02:00 David Christensen <dpchrist at holgerdanske.com>:
> linux-audio-user:
> I've been running a Debian Wheezy DAW (i386, Xfce, realtime kernel,
> Audacity, Rosegarden, various synthesizers, etc.) for the past week or
> two. It sort of worked. But, it's clearly not ready for taking on stage
> for a performance.
> I checked for backports of more recent DAW titles, but none are available.
> So, today I rebuilt the machine using Debian Testing (Jessie).
> I started by downloading the 288 MB "netinst" ISO image. This was
> followed by 100's of MB of downloads to install the base system, graphical
> desktop (Xfce), laptop packages, SSH server, and print server.
> I fed my list of desired general-purpose, kernel, and DAW packages to Apt
> and it wanted to download another 1+ GB of files (!). I shook my head and
> lit it off.
> After several hours of hogging my 1.5 Mbps Internet connection, I noticed
> that Apt was downloading a 323 MB documentation package.
> Since when is documentation a *required* package?
> For that matter, when is 288 MB a "small" installation image?
Your complaints are quite presumptuous.
Of course 288Mb is a small installation image, compared to the standard
4.5GB dvd and 700Mb cd iso images.
A complete (suits for a DAW) linux distro installation requires ~5-7Gb, no
matter which one you choose.
And, there are other issues with Debian (such as cdrkit/ isoinfo).
> So, it's time for me to look for another Linux distribution. Are there
> any recommendations for a Linux distribution that:
> 1. Works correctly.
> 2. Is efficient in both space and time.
> 3. Offers a kernel suitable for DAW use at install time.
> 4. Offers current DAW software binary packages.
> 5. Provides simple OOTB *user* and *administrator* experiences -- e.g.
> minimal technical wrenching around under the hood.
> TIA,
> David
> p.s. I read the recent thread on the same topic and researched some of
> the responses (archive server down at the moment). The apparent favorite,
> Arch Linux, fails criteria #5 (https://wiki.archlinux.org/
> index.php/Pro_Audio). The runner-up, Ubuntu Studio, is 2+ GB and
> therefore fails criteria #2. The also-ran, Debian, fails #1, 2, and 3.
You fail on the base criteria: you do not know "enough" about linux and
asking for a ready-to-go distro (corollary 6. learn to use google)
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