[LAU] OM6.9 on Arch

anders.vinjar at bek.no anders.vinjar at bek.no
Thu Apr 9 20:38:25 UTC 2015

>>>>> "D" == Daniel Appelt writes:

    D> There is now an Arch User package available for
    D> OpenMusic: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/openmusic/

Hi Daniel, this seems great.  Thanks alot.  Perhaps you could make a
note about your package at the OM forum -

Fwiw, libfluidsynth isn't included as a dependency in packages for other
dists (Fedora, Ubuntu), as OM doesn't load the lib any longer, relying
instead on the user to connect to whatever midi softsynth he/she prefers
through portmidi at runtime or in the preferences.



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