[LAU] project "droning" is back

Louigi Verona louigi.verona at gmail.com
Sun Aug 23 21:39:57 UTC 2015

Hey everyone!

After an almost 2 year break I am back to working on my life-long project
"droning" <http://www.disc-shelf.com/droning/>.

*New releases*

The last tune has been 246 far too long and I am happy to present you two
new tunes.

droning247 <http://www.disc-shelf.com/droning/droning247.ogg> (ogg)
droning248 <http://www.disc-shelf.com/droning/droning248.ogg> (ogg)

For those of you who would like to support my work, you can get flac
release of droning248 from Bandcamp.

droning248 on Bandcamp <https://louigi.bandcamp.com/album/droning248>

*Web presence*

My website which was louigiverona.ru is now offline, but I will get it
online hopefully within 2-3 months. All my projects, including Linux Audio
articles, releases and such will again be available, albeit not on the .ru
domain. I will announce this separately.

Additionally, project "droning" will finally be getting a separate website,
dedicated wholly to the endeavor.

Big thanks for following and supporting the project!

Louigi Verona
http://www.disc-shelf.com/droning/ <http://www.louigiverona.ru/>
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