[LAU] First multitrack project: midi tracks and plugins

Len Ovens len at ovenwerks.net
Fri May 8 19:22:39 UTC 2015

On Fri, 8 May 2015, Ivan K wrote:

> And so now, I have begun working with Ardour.
> Is Ardour capable of using different plugins for different
> regions of the same midi-track?

It would depend on how many plugins and what type. Certainly on audio 
plugin bypass can be automated so that one plugin is bypassed for some 
time and then another is bypassed for some more time. I do not know how easy 
this is to do... or keep track of. I do not know how easy this would be on 
a MIDI track to use more than one sound generator for example.

Someone may know a better way (or if I am way off).

Len Ovens

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