[LAU] [LAD] rtp-MIDI status

Christopher Arndt chris at chrisarndt.de
Wed Mar 23 10:40:26 UTC 2016

Am 23.03.2016 um 09:11 schrieb Alessio Degani:
> I need only rtpMIDI support.
> There are some other solitions?

None that I know of. I researched this about two years ago and only came
up with the projects you found too. I had a look at the scenic software,
but it didn't seem easy to extract the RTP-MIDI part.

One important thing to realize is, when people say RTP-MIDI, they
usually mean "Apple's implementation of the RTP-MIDI plus its
proprietary session handling protocol". I know of only these compatible

- Apple's CoreMIDI framework for OS X and iOS

- rtpMIDI (http://www.tobias-erichsen.de/software/rtpmidi.html):
Windows, closed source

- nmj (http://www.humatic.de/htools/nmj/): Android, closed source

- WinRTP-MIDI (http://winrtpmidi.codeplex.com/) - Windows RT

The MIDI association supposedly wanted to standardize RTP-MIDI further,
but I'm not sure whether that future standard will include Apple's
extensions and how open it will be.


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