[LAU] Generate "automagic" music videos with ffmpeg & friends
Will Godfrey
willgodfrey at musically.me.uk
Thu Oct 20 15:50:43 UTC 2016
On Thu, 20 Oct 2016 14:33:19 +0100
Yassin Philip <philcm at gnu.org> wrote:
> Hi Listers!
> Here is a little tooly that I made that may be be of any use to you guys ;
> Today, if you want to publish a song, pretty soon they're going to ask
> your for "the video". But sometimes you don't have the time / money to
> do it. Heck, it's a job. The "Lost Week" video
> <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O27yC-qLlMM> took me like a (big. Huge)
> week to put together, not counting shooting time. BTW it was edited in
> KDEnlive, but since No Sister
> <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7EH9jSnYAGI> (and my Why, Phil show
> <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zZO7-wo2_o> and all) I use Blender for
> that kind of things now.
> Back on topic : You don't have time to put together a proper video for
> your shiny new because you have a life and recording the song already
> took the best of it lately.
> Here is a script
> <https://github.com/xaccrocheur/kituu/blob/master/scripts/px-video-maker.sh>
> to quickly generate a cool-looking music video
> <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-u18CbdjBE>, given the sound file, the
> cover artwork image and an optional ending bit :
> #!/usr/bin/env bash
> FILE_PATH="$1"
> FFMPEG="ffmpeg"
> ARTIST="$2"
> ALBUM="$3"
> EFFECT="$5"
> if [ "$#" -ne 5 ]; then
> echo "Usage: $0 [audio file path] 'artist name' 'album name'
> [artwork image file path] [point|line|p2p|cline]"
> exit
> fi
> convert -resize 1280x720 "${COVER_FILE_PATH}" -background none -gravity
> center -extent 1280x720 "${COVER_FILE_PATH}.jpg"
> $FFMPEG -y -i "${FILE_PATH}" -loop 1 -i "${COVER_FILE_PATH}.jpg"
> -filter_complex "[0:a]
> showwaves=s=1280x310:mode=${EFFECT}:r=25,colorkey=0x000000:0.1:0.5[wave];[1:v][wave]
> overlay=y=H-h:eval=init[canvas];[canvas]drawtext=fontfile='Jura-Book.ttf':fontsize=60:text='${ARTIST}':x=30:y=(h-70-text_h*2.5):fontcolor=white:shadowy=2:shadowx=2:shadowcolor=black,drawtext=fontfile='Jura-Book.ttf':fontsize=72:text='${ALBUM}':x=20:y=(h-70-text_h):fontcolor=ff6600:shadowy=2:shadowx=2:shadowcolor=black"
> -shortest -codec:v libx264 -crf 18 -preset fast -codec:a aac -strict -2
> -b:a 192k "${FILE_PATH}-composite.mp4"
> if [[ -e "end.mp4" ]]; then
> $FFMPEG -y -i "${FILE_PATH}-composite.mp4" -i "end.mp4"
> -filter_complex "[0:0] [0:1] [1:0] [1:1] concat=n=2:v=1:a=1 [v] [a]"
> -map "[v]" -map "[a]" "${ARTIST}-${ALBUM}.mp4"
> rm -rf "${FILE_PATH}-composite.mp4"
> else
> mv "${FILE_PATH}-composite.mp4" "${ARTIST}-${ALBUM}.mp4"
> fi
> rm -rf "${COVER_FILE_PATH}.jpg"
> echo -e "
> ################################################
> DONE : ${ARTIST}-${ALBUM}.mp4"
> This will
> * Take the (PNG) cover, and center it inside a 1280x720 (AKA 720p)
> pixels video ;
> * Generate a "wave" of the (WAV) sound file ;
> * Print "Artist" in Orange, And then "Title" in White, below, slightly
> bigger and offset to the left ;
> * Merge the 3 together ;
> * If there exists a file named "end.mp4" in the directory, append it
> to the final video ;
> * Clean up everything, and produce a file named "Artist-Title.mp4" in
> 720p.
> Notes:
> * This script depends on the ffmpeg and imagemagick packages
> * The last argument is the style of the dancing waveform, take a short
> audio file to experiment with all 4 of them
> * The "end.mp4" file is optional, it's there if you want an ending
> credit / legal / whatever bit, or a nice fade out, anything. It's
> scaled to fit.
> * If there is a "Jura-Book.ttf" font file in the directory from which
> the script is invoked, it will be used, otherwise your default serif
> font will be.
> With it, you can make that kind of music video
> <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-u18CbdjBE> ; hope it's useful, cheers
> everybody, keep on rocking it!
> yPhil
I like the idea... lots! Thanks. I must find time to try it out.
Will J Godfrey
Say you have a poem and I have a tune.
Exchange them and we can both have a poem, a tune, and a song.
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