[LAU] looking for midi piano keyboard with "natural" piano touch

Christopher Arndt chris at chrisarndt.de
Tue Dec 5 22:05:34 UTC 2017

Am 05.12.2017 um 22:46 schrieb Cedric Roux:
> I'm looking for a piano keyboard
> ("midi master keyboard" I think it's called).
> I'm looking for something with keys that feel
> more or less like a real piano.


Anything with a Fatar TP-40 Wood keybed inside should fit your needs, I
think. The other differences between other models and brands basically
just come down to number of controllers, buttons and pedal jacks.

Another one to consider, with a more "classic" piano look:


I actually have one of these:


It's very basic, has only DIN MIDI, only sends on MIDI channel one, has
no release velocity and aftertouch and only a sustain pedal input, which
only supports one/off pedal, no half-pedalling. BUT, the keyboard is
basically the same as the more expensive models, apart from not having
the new-fangled "ivory touch" nonsense. I use it with Pianoteq (running
on Linux) all the time and it's sufficient for my needs (I'm not a pinao
virtuoso by any means, though).

I guess the follow-up model is this one:


... which actually seems like a good offer to me.

But everybody has different tastes when it comes to the feel of
keyboards and I would tsronly advice you to go to a big music store and
try out as many models as you can.

HTH, Chris

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