[LAU] recommendations for output-only audio devices

Bill Purvis bill at billp.org
Mon Dec 18 16:46:14 UTC 2017

I'm currently building a church organ, using the GrandOrgue program to 
handle the software
side of things. I'm looking for recommendations for a output device 
which can handle 8 (or more)
outputs. There is no requirement for audio inputs, but that shouldn't 
rule out devices with
inputs, they simply won't be used. Most of the discussions I've seen on 
this list seem to be
more geared to multiple inputs rather than outputs.

I'm thinking in terms of a USB device, as most of the internal sound 
cards seem to be
limited to 5 outputs. Cost is a factor, but reasonable sound quality is 

Anyone have any suggestions?

Thanks in advance,


| Bill Purvis                            |
| email: bill at billp.org                  |

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