[LAU] recommendations for output-only audio devices

Bill Purvis bill at billp.org
Mon Dec 18 21:49:32 UTC 2017

On 18/12/17 17:08, Will Godfrey wrote:
> On Mon, 18 Dec 2017 16:46:14 +0000
> Bill Purvis <bill at billp.org> wrote:
>> I'm currently building a church organ, using the GrandOrgue program to
>> handle the software
>> side of things. I'm looking for recommendations for a output device
>> which can handle 8 (or more)
>> outputs. There is no requirement for audio inputs, but that shouldn't
>> rule out devices with
>> inputs, they simply won't be used. Most of the discussions I've seen on
>> this list seem to be
>> more geared to multiple inputs rather than outputs.
>> I'm thinking in terms of a USB device, as most of the internal sound
>> cards seem to be
>> limited to 5 outputs. Cost is a factor, but reasonable sound quality is
>> required.
>> Anyone have any suggestions?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Bill
> Pardon my ignorance, but why do you need so many outputs?
The organ has three manuals, plus a pedal board. The organist currently 
says he wants three pair of
speakers - front, middle and back, and a big woofer in the centre! The 
software supports an arbitrary
number of output channels, each with the option of a swell pedal to vary 
the volumes. I'm currently
budgeting for 4 stereo amps to drive it all! It started out with only 
two manuals, but it doesn't
cost much to add a third manual, the big problem is fitting it all into 
the existing case!


| Bill Purvis                            |
| email: bill at billp.org                  |

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