[LAU] Bye Bye 32 bit

Jeremy Henty onepoint at starurchin.org
Wed Dec 27 00:49:43 UTC 2017

jonetsu wrote:

> Len Ovens <len at ovenwerks.net> wrote:
> > I don't know of any sw that requires multicore, ...
> Some u-he synths have a multicore option.

Yes, but I am not clear what that means.  It could mean "If you want I
can split the work into  concurrent processes/threads in the hope that
you have  enough cores to  benefit from this.".   Or it could  mean "I
*will* pin different processes to different  cores, and I will fail if
those cores aren't there.".

I Googled  around but couldn't  find anything that really  clears this
up.   Mentions  of multicore  support  on  multimedia sites  generally
amount to little more than  "Multicore support in the latest release.
Yay!".  Gamers  often go  into more detail,  reporting how  many cores
their games are using, how it affects  the FPS etc., but nothing I can
find describes  exactly how the games  are deciding how many  cores to

(I also found some reports on Ableton sites where people fixed crackly
audio by disabling multicore support.)


Jeremy Henty

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