[LAU] Csound User Defined Opcodes released

Jeanette C. julien at mail.upb.de
Thu May 4 19:04:47 UTC 2017

Hey hey,
I just released a couple of Csound User Defined Opcodes (UDOs), including a 
controllable formant filter optimised for use with MIDI, as well as three 
voice processing modules, a vocoder, a pitch correction plugin and an 
auto-tune like opcode that sets a new pitch based on a played MIDI note. 
Additionally there is a frequency inverter, which mirrors frequencies around a 
supplied centre frequency and the latest addition the Risset filter. This is a 
multi-bandpass filter, whose frequencies are controlled by a Risset glissando. 
You can specify the centre frequency, q-value or bandwidth, number of 
octaves, direction of the glissando and the modulation rate or tempo.

Share and enjoy, <3


When you need someone, you just turn around and I will be there <3

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