[LAU] Motu 1248 - Full success

Lorenzo Sutton lorenzofsutton at gmail.com
Fri May 12 07:42:25 UTC 2017


Thanks for this review, it is always useful and interesting to get 
hands-on experiences with hardware on Linux...

On 11/05/2017 21:17, Moshe Werner wrote:
> After a bit of fiddling around with my Network settings I got the
> control software to work, and I must say it's just amazing to have a
> piece of equipment that I can fully use under Linux.
> There is a full featured mixer in the DSP that's also a nice addition,
> but the main thing for me was the routing matrix, which is pretty cool
> to have.
> To summarize I'm feeling that we are moving in the right direction here...
> I hope other manufacturers will follow and make Interfaces and software
> that work with Linux...

Yes I agree. On the MOTU website I even read: "MOTU AVB audio interfaces 
can be remotely controlled from a hardware controller or software 
interface using either OSC or HTTP."

And yes hopefully manufacturers will continue with class compliant open 
APIs, web-apps etc. for control software...


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