[LAU] [FLOSS-music] Picforth In Nomine

Giso Grimm gg3137 at vegri.net
Wed Aug 1 08:14:25 CEST 2018

Dear LAU,

our interpretation of the "In Nomine" of Mr. Picforth (published around
1570) is a crossover between Early Music and Ambience:


This piece is part of our concert program "Harmony of the Spheres",
where we spatialize acoustic instruments in low delay real-time, using
only FLOSS tools. I introduced early versions of the tools (TASCAR) at
LAC2012 and LAC2015, the configuration files used for this piece and all
the tools can be found here:


We also have a 6th order horizontal Ambisonics track of this video
available for download:


(FuMa normalization, ACN channel sequence).



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