[LAU] rtirq configuration with external USB DAC?
al3xu5 / dotcommon
dotcommon at autistici.org
Tue Aug 13 20:01:38 CEST 2019
Il giorno martedì 13/08/2019 19:06:33 +0200
Ralf Mardorf <ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net> ha scritto:
> you need to do your own research or wait that somebody else does chime in.
As I suspected... ;)
> However, here are my guesses, no hard facts:
> On Tue, 2019-08-13 at 17:11 +0200, al3xu5 / dotcommon wrote:
> > Can you tell me why they shoud be removed now, please?
> https://www.rncbc.org/drupal/comment/6553#comment-6553
Thank you. Also I have read at:
...and now thinga are clear enough.
> Regarding timer usage there are anyway a lot of myths and no clear source of
> information. RTC vs HPET (HR timer) vs TSC. While TSC should be the best
> source, some information claims that TSC could suffer from pitfalls that
> render it useless.
I know it is a mess...
I should have the cpu governor set to performance (no idle):
me at arrakis:~$ cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor
and timers:
me at arrakis:~$ ls -l /dev/rtc0
crw-rw---- 1 root audio 253, 0 ago 13 18:15 /dev/rtc0
me at arrakis:~$ ls -l /dev/hpet
crw-rw---- 1 root audio 10, 228 ago 13 18:15 /dev/hpet
That should be ok I think.
> I set up Qtractor to use the default timer as the MIDI queue timer, so it
> should be TSC. MIDI is independent from audio, but I suspect it's better, if
> audio and MIDI are using the same timer.
Not using MIDI...
I am using a audio workstation to record (so I need low latencies with
possibly no xruns), plus a playback audio server for my hifi system, with a
an external USB2 DAC (here I need a clear audio signal with a "precise" clock
> IIRC the keyboard driver was added, since some people experienced the
> keyboard being unresponsive, but I might be mistaken.
Ah, yes this seems a good explaination...
> > Also, consider now I am using rtirq-init version 20150216-2... There is a
> > newer (better) version I should use with a sysv-init (NO systemd) machine?
> I don't know. In the paste some versions of rtirq didn't fit to some kernel
> versions. There were mismatches with the names in the RTIRQ_NAME_LIST, when
> using a brand-new kernel with some of that time current rtirq scripts years
> back, when the rtirq scripts were written for previous kernel releases of
> that time.
Thanks again. I have found this new release:
I have manually extracted and installed the sysv-init script on my system
(4.6.0-0.bpo.1-rt-amd64) and it seems to work fine.
Finally I have simply set:
RTIRQ_NAME_LIST="rtc0 usb1"
and priorities are as expected.
Thank you a lot.
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