[LAU] Record levels lower in Alsa than Jack

david gnome at hawaii.rr.com
Wed Nov 11 04:16:29 CET 2020

On 11/10/20 12:10 PM, Fons Adriaensen wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 10, 2020 at 06:03:23PM +0000, John Murphy wrote:
>> Exceptions are good. 'Normalize' doesn't sound like something one would
>> want to do to music, but it's certainly useful to make compilations from
>> different sources easier to listen to.
> If you want a constant loudness then normalisation as discussed in this
> thread (i.e. on peak level) is _not_ the way to go. You should normalize
> on RMS level or a dedicated loudness metric such as EBU-R128.
Hmm. That's something I prefer, too. How do you do that?


David W. Jones
gnome at hawaii.rr.com
authenticity, honesty, community
"My password is the last 8 digits of π."

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