[LAU] [music] Plagiat Clip #5 - rap-in-opposition
orl at ammd.net
Fri Apr 9 09:29:41 CEST 2021
We just released a brand bu clip available on PeerTube:
Plagiat - J'ai acheté·r un Agno Gastrik chez Wish & Lidl
13'34" of rap-in-opposition, amateur-mainstream-rap, zeuhl-rap,
experimental-rap, zappa-rap, thing-fish-rap or watchamacallit!
It's been fully-realized with FOSS only (audio and video), mainly
ardour, kdenlive, but also Jamulus for the last part which is a gig
between two bands away from 500km. It is distributed under CC BY-SA 4.0
Hope you'll enjoy!
Missy S. - Plagiat Bros
Complete list of softwares used:
## System
* [Debian](https://debian.org) Bullseye (testing)
## Audio
### System
* [jackd 2](https://jackaudio.org)
* [ALSA](https://alsa-project.org) : RME HDSP 9652 PCI soundcard
### DAW
* [Ardour 6](https://ardour.org)
### Plugins
* [Ardour](https://ardour.org) : a-High/Low Pass
* [Bitrot](https://github.com/grejppi/bitrot) : Tapestop/ Crusher
* [CAPS](http://quitte.de/dsp/caps.html) : Scape, PlateX2, AmpVTS
* [Calf](http://calf-studio-gear.org) : Gate, Bass Enhancer, Equalizer 8
Band, Mono Comp, Compressor, Emphasis, Vintage Delay, Tape Simulator,
Sidechain Compressor, Exciter, Ring Modulator, Pulsator, Saturator,
Envelope filte, Multiband Comp, Limiter
* [lsp-plugins](https://lsp-plug.in) : 32 band stereo
* [Invada](https://launchpad.net/invada-studio) : Delay Munge
* [MDA](https://git.drobilla.net/cgit.cgi/mda.lv2.git/about) :
Transient, Detune, Bandisto, Rezfilter, Degrade
* [SWH](http://www.plugin.org.uk) :Ringmod with LFO, Reverse delay,
L/C/R Delay, vocoder
* [TAP](https://tomscii.sig7.se/tap-plugins) : Autopanner, Reverberator
* [x42-plugins](http://x42-plugins.com/x42) : x42-fat1 autotune
(microtonal), EBU meters
* [zita](https://kokkinizita.linuxaudio.org/linuxaudio/index.html) :
* [Gverb](https://github.com/swh/ladspa/blob/master/gverb/gverb.c)
* [freeverb](https://www.ladspa.org/cmt/plugins.html)
### Instruments
* [Ardour](https://ardour.org) : a-Reasonable synth
* [Calf](http://calf-studio-gear.org) : Monosynth (presets disponibles
ici : <https://github.com/PlagiatBros/PlagiatSetup>)
* [ZynaddsubFX](https://zynaddsubfx.sourceforge.io) (presets disponibles
ici : <https://github.com/PlagiatBros/PlagiatSetup>)
### Others
* [Musescore](https://musescore.org)
* [Jamulus](https://jamulus.io)
## Video
* [Kdenlive](https://www.kdenlive.org)
* [frei0r-plugins](https://frei0r.dyne.org/)
* [Ffmpeg](https://ffmpeg.org/)
* [Gimp](https://www.gimp.org/) / [Gmic](http://gmic.eu/)
* [Inkscape](https://inkscape.org)
* [Jitsi](https://jitsi.org/)
## Others
* [node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/),
[emacs](http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/) & [atom](https://atom.io/)
for the "a la Twitch / Cyberpunk" env at the end of the clip.
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