[LAU] LSS: Patroneo 2.0.3, Fluajho 1.7.2 and Laborejo 2.3.1 maintenance updates
Laborejo Software Suite
info at laborejo.org
Fri Apr 15 16:19:23 CEST 2022
Ladies and Gentlemen, dear distribution packagers,
hereby the Laborejo Software Suite releases maintenance updates for the following programs:
Laborejo 2.0.3, Fluajho 1.7.2 and Patroneo 2.3.1
Besides some bugfixes there are two noteworhty changes:
1) They all require our new C library https://git.laborejo.org/lss/libcalfbox-lss , which was released today as well.
2) Added X-NSM-Capable=True and X-NSM-Exec to their .desktop files, so they can be found by supporting NSM GUIs.
Signed source-downloads can be found here: https://laborejo.org/downloads/
More information about the programs and full multi-language manuals can be found on the website
Laborejo Software Suite
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