Don't miss your chance to get your company logo on the half page ad that
Linux Journal is sponsoring for us in the April edition.
Yes, that means free advertising for your company, blog, forum, or pet
project in the Linux Journal and at the same time you will be supporting
Linux Audio!!!
All you need to do is reply to this email to let me know you want to
officially support an award category. The deadline is Tuesday Feb 3 so
don't delay.
Visit for a full list of the categories you
can associate with and the sponsors who are already supporting the Awards.
There are three levels of sponsorship* which range from simple name
association (free of charge) to fully fledged corporate sponsorship.
By participating as an official sponsor you show to the world the value
your company, blog, forum, or pet project places on the continuing
support and development of Linux Audio.
*For more details and sponsorship packages please contact me directly.
Patrick Shirkey
Boost Hardware Ltd.
Please visit
The website for the inaugural Linux Audio Awards ceremony to be hosted
at the Linux Audio Conference 16 -19 April 2009 at La Casa Della Musica,
Parma, Italy is now up.
We are currently seeking sponsors for specific categories. Please let us
know immediately if you would like us to send you a sponsorship proposal
outlining the sponsor packages. We have three levels of sponsorship so
everyone can get involved.
What we would like to see is a show of hands from all the companies that
use Linux Audio Software in their business or products. Alternately any
Audio companies that use Linux to get the job done are also encouraged
to participate.
- Linux Journal are sponsoring an ad in the April edition. Deadline for
the advertisement is Feb 3 so don't delay getting in touch to secure a
promotional spot for your company logo.
- Trinity Audio Group Inc are already sponsoring a prize for the "Best
Vocal Track" Category and are supporting the "Best DJ" category too.
Get on board to show how much you value the amazing software, hardware
and community built around Linux Audio.
* All administrative costs for the ceremony are being sponsored by Boost
Hardware Ltd.
Patrick Shirkey
Boost Hardware Ltd.
First time posting on the list. I have some questions regarding audio
production. I've been thinking of setting a small audio production machine,
nothing too fancy, but good enough to create good quality podcasts and do
some mixing. All done in linux of course.
What linux distro do you suggest?
What hardware to use that would work flawlessly on linux?
I'm not a pro when it comes to audio production, so if it's not too much to
ask, please don't be too technical, suggest me a few links so I can learn,
or even explain if you have the time.
Thank you all for taking your time to read.
Andrés Blanco Morales
Hello all, yada-yada (*)
The paper submission deadline for LAC2009 is just a little
more than 100 hours away, and the response so far has been
rather disappointing, to the point that there would not be
much of a conference at all.
The deadline could be extended by two weeks (29 Jan, midnight),
but that would make sense only if we know there will be
sufficient submissions.
So if you are planning to submit a paper, or present a
workshop please let me know *ASAP*, and in any case before
the original deadline (15 Jan, midnight).
(*) This means 'best wishes for 2009 !'
Laboratorio di Acustica ed Elettroacustica
Parma, Italia
O tu, che porte, correndo si ?
E guerra e morte !
Although I am rarely a supporter of extreme measures, the following article
(courtesy of pixel list) provides an interesting angle on the Web 2.0
leviathans such as Myspace and Facebook:
Ivica Ico Bukvic, D.M.A.
Composition, Music Technology
Director, DISIS Interactive Sound & Intermedia Studio
Assistant Co-Director, CCTAD
CHCI, CS, and Art (by courtesy)
Virginia Tech
Dept. of Music - 0240
Blacksburg, VA 24061
(540) 231-6139
(540) 231-5034 (fax)
Best wishes to all consortium members and beyond!
There are new and exciting trajectories awaiting us in 2009 and I eagerly
look forward to working with you in making them a reality!
Best wishes,
Ivica Ico Bukvic, D.M.A.
Virginia Tech
Dept. of Music - 0240
Blacksburg, VA 24061
(540) 231-6139
(540) 231-5034 (fax)