Joern Nettingsmeier <nettings(a)> writes:
no, serious, it's not a good idea imho to let go
of the LAD acronym
since it's well introduced and widely known, but it does not have to
play a central role here - just "LA" or linux audio is fine.
It must be said that LAD - in the sense of "Linux Audio Developers" -
puts all the attention to the developers. Whilst I do believe this
latter are of the utmost importance to spreading Libre Software into
the audio domain, we shouldn't forget that the task will need many
other competences besides coding - even more so when you think that
these competences are exactly those Libre Software projects always
have difficulties attracting: technical writers, graphic artists,
event organizers, and so on and so forth.
While I personally would prefer the term "Linux" to be replaced by
"GNU/Linux", this argument has been already discussed and - although
not fully convinced by the reasons given - I can live with using the
name of a kernel as representative of an entire OS. :)
I would suggest building our effort around the LA (which is the
italian name for the `A' note, in case anybody cares :) acronym, and
recognize LAD (and developers) as a central - but not the only -
resource we need and want to work with.