Joern Nettingsmeier wrote:
Andrea Glorioso wrote:
Any takers for the logo ?
as it happens, i'm a big fan of the lad icon, and we have worked a
while to make it known to the public.
it's the LAD logo, but everybody is invited to use it to "show their
affiliation with the LAD community". maybe we should broaden the
concept to "linux audio community".
this is the logo with the tape reel? i like this very much...
the only problem i have is with the use of the word LAD - there are a
few female linux audio users and developers *gasp!* and its quite
aggressive to be confronted with the word LAD, especially given its
meaning in UK society... i find it off-putting....
just my 2p
They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve
neither liberty nor safety.
--Benjamin Franklin
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