Marek Peteraj wrote:
when the new
LAD site is up, i will suggest LAUD as the new
general-purpose acronym for the community around the lists. however,
for practical reasons, i would like to retain LA[DAU] as shorthand
for the individual lists. those who don't like the accidental
connotation can spell it out :)
i'm with andrea in that changing the name is not going to change the
"Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)"
Lad Lad, n. OE. ladde, of Celtic origin; cf. W. llawd, Ir.
lath. root123. Cf. Lass.
1. A boy; a youth; a stripling. ``Cupid is a knavish lad.''
There is a lad here, which hath five barley loaves
and two small fishes. --John vi. 9.
2. A companion; a comrade; a mate.
Lad's love. (Bot.) See Boy's love, under Boy.
"Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)"
Lad Lad, obs.
p. p. of Lead, to guide. --Chaucer.
"WordNet (r) 2.0"
n 1: a boy or man; "that chap is your host"; "there's a fellow at
the door"; "he's a likable cuss" syn: chap, fellow,
feller, gent, fella, blighter, cuss
2: a male child (a familiar term of address to a boy) syn: cub,
laddie, sonny, sonny boy
I'm not sure LAUD is the right abbrev. since LAU stands for users, LAD for
The interpretation could be misleading.
Linux AUDio
Linux Audio Users Developers
LAD has been here since 7 years or so, i don't think it's worth changing it.
People got used to it.
There are some very cool female linux audio developers, there's Melanie, the author of
and there's Alicia(don't know her family name) doing some very cool physical
modelling research.
and me.
Marek, did you actually read my story of my experiences of being snubbed
when i had a female name on LAD?
what you're missing is the connotations in modern British and American
usage of the word Lad as an obnoxious lout. the OED usage has long died
think yob - drunken, lecherous louts who treat women as objects. do a
google search for 'laddish culture' and you'll find out what i mean. it
was all the vogue in Britain in the mid-90s, and we women had to suffer
- unless we chose to lose our self respect and become 'laddettes' - the
female equivalent, girls who will drink themselves into embarrassment
and then sleep with anyone or anything with legs.
if English isn't your first language, the OED won't give you the
connotations of this word as its used today.
They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve
neither liberty nor safety.
--Benjamin Franklin
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