Hi Patrick,
I thought it might be
nice for those interested to get a status update from a few of the
more active companies.
I've been very busy with the 64 Studio project, and we've put out a
couple of alpha releases already. We're planning to release a stable
version next year.
Some of you may remember that I started a company
called Boost
Hardware which was attempting to provide portable Linux Audio
There's certainly room for improvement over the ubiquitous Apple
laptops that gigging musicians use. I saw Soulwax playing 'live'
recently, and they had an audible buffer under-run when switching
between songs. Plus the fact that laptops aren't really pro-grade
hardware in terms of reliability or repairability - they're more like
consumer electronics.
Have you seen the Rackable half-depth servers?
They take dual Opterons and they look like the right size to fit in a
musician's rack. Now if there was a similar machine which was
pre-installed with 64 Studio, that would be a kick-ass system... :-)