As per the previous message regarding the template competition I am
seeking sponsors for prizes that can be given to the winners of the
design competition.
However I am also seeking sponsors for a higher level of award that is
now well overdue.
All of us have used Linux Audio tools for our businesses and have a debt
of gratitude to the Linux Audio Developers community. There are some
very specific names that deserve official recognition for their
motivation, dedication and all round superstar qualities.
I would like to see the next Linux Audio Conference as the inaugural
awards ceremony for Linux Audio Developers, Musicians, and Supporters.
I am proposing a series of awards that will be sponsored by members of
the Consortium.
Obviously there will be a lifetime achievement award but we also need a
couple of other categories. Some suggestions are:
Best Audio recording software
Best Midi software
Best DJ software
Best Sequencing software
Best Plugin
Most Active contributor
Most Active evangalist
Best Blog
Best Forum
Most likely to receive a record contract
Most popular track on LAM
Best Electronic Track
Best Classical Track
Best Pop Track
Best Rock Track
Best Audio recording
The list could go on....
Once we have a list we will take submissions from the public Then we
have two choices.
1: It will be upto the consortium board to select the recipients in a
private vote.
2: We keep the process completely open if there is enough will for it.
But this would require a good voting system.
- Obviously we can't give a prize to everyone who deserves it but we can
make it an annual ceremony that will give people recognition and may
also encourage more people to get involved in the community.
- I can see an opportunity for logo placement and write ups in the
various audio magazines who will no doubt run spots with the details
once we give them the press release as there are a few members who
already have good connections to get things printed.
- There will also be opportunity for logos to be displayed on the
official websites during the competition and of course the goodwill
generated by returning something back to the community is priceless.
- I will not set any limitations for the prizes that can be offered. I
think it really depends on how much value you receive from the community
and how much of an impact you would like to make by sponsoring. After
all this is the inaugural ceremony so there are bound to be some hiccups
along the way and we don't want to promise anything or set the bar too high.
For what it is worth my company Boost Hardware is sponsoring $US500 for
the template competition.
I think there are some deeper pockets or at the very least some cooler
Feel free to contact me off list with suggestions or pledges. I will
start building out the details on the
lau.linuxaudio.org subdomain this
weekend. As soon as I have a pledge your company logo will receive a
prominent spot on the site. If you want to sponsor the template
competition I will put the prize details up immediately but specific
details for the awards will be kept secret until we have some momentum.
Also if you want to sponsor a specific award that will be great.
Just remember that the bigger the prize the more likely it is that
people will notice it and remember. Booby prizes are welcome too though
and will be fairly distributed so don't feel embarrassed if you don't
offer as much as the next guy. Everything counts and makes the event
more memorable.
Patrick Shirkey
Boost Hardware Ltd.