On Wed, May 05, 2004 at 04:35:28PM +0100, Daniel James wrote:
perhaps some
representatives of AGNULA would
like to have an informal meeting via IRC with us Xiph guys to find
out how we can help each other.
That's exactly the kind of thing the consortium likes to encourage!
BTW, we're having our montly
xiph.org irc organizational meeting today.
Anyone's welcome to join, and it's a good way to meet some our core
team and get a status update on our various efforts.
First wednesday of every month at 23:59 UTC in #xiphmeet on
We do follow an agenda to try and keep the length down, so if there's something
you'd like discussed (even just introductions) please add it to the wiki
http://wiki.xiph.org/MonthlyMeeting200405 prior to the start of the meeting.