Daniel James wrote:
It might be better if you sent a formal project launch announcement
It's a strictly moderated list, so the mail will take a little while
to go out - but this is definitely a good place to start.
point taken :)
sorry i haven't been very responsive lately, i was off the net for a
while - we moved into a new flat, and things could have gone better :(
i hope i'll be back to 2 days maximum round-trip next week.
(btw, whole batch of announcements coming!)
The handles of a craftsman's tools bespeak an absolute simplicity,
the plainest forms affording the greatest range of possibilities for
the user's hand.
That which is overdesigned, too highly specific, anticipates
outcome; the anticipation of outcome guarantees, if not failure, the
absence of grace.
- William Gibson, "All Tomorrow's Parties"
Jörn Nettingsmeier
Kurfürstenstr 49, 45138 Essen, Germany
http://spunk.dnsalias.org (my server)
http://www.linuxaudiodev.org (Linux Audio Developers)