Please don't get me wrong here, I do appreciate
effort, and all the work you (and maybe others) are putting into it.
My emotions indicate that I want to help, but my brain keeps on telling
me that freebob already takes too much time. I guess these sort of
things should be done by LAU's rather than LAD's (not that LAD's aren't
LAU's), but they might be a little to busy making music... something
that I'd like to do a little more.
I think everyone here who knows Linux audio knows the significance of your
contributions and I am not even suggesting that you personally should
implement these changes on the lao site (although greater involvement in
day-to-day discussion/feedback would be certainly appreciated as it should
not be much more overhead than what your today's posts on LAU lists were).
However, there were certainly more polite ways of expressing your
suggestions for improvements, such as the one included from your latest
e-mail below.
The irony is that while this is being piped to the LAU lists, I do not see
any users raising their hands to help either...
I suggest a link "Portal" under the
"Contact" link at the left of
That can be done. However, there should be a way for all sites to share the
same format/cross-linking info, otherwise the effect of the suggested
alteration will be rather minimal. In other words, it will be only a matter
of time before someone else asks the same question on LAU/LAD lists...
Best wishes,