Greetings to all !
Please count me in for a donation to the cause, I'm happy to
contribute. Two of the three machines here in the studio are running
Linux, I am indeed still in *nix land. :)
Yes, I'm working primarily on a Mac Mini M1, really wonderful
hardware, and no, I'm not doing much different from what I was doing
before. Basic sound/music stack here is still mainly open-source
compiled locally. But the M1 just smokes my old desktop machine.
I hope you & yours all enjoy a most satisfying holiday season !
Best regards,
-----------------------------------------From: "Ico Bukvic"
To: "Robin Gareus"
Cc: "Fons Adriaensen", "Jeremy Jongepier", "Nils Hilbricht",
Phillips", "Daniel James"
Sent: Thursday December 8 2022 12:27:58PM
Subject: Re: [Consortium] We have to move!
... also Dave who has been one of the pillars of this community.
Granted, recently he has transitioned onto a darker side (Mac), but at
least he is still in the *nix land :-)
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