i would like to see all parts of the community (LAD,
younameit) share a common logo to generate some "corporate identity"
both for the members of the communities and visitors, without each part
implicitly having to endorse everything the other does.
Joern, grep in your archives (august, september) for my proposal.
But let's not call it "corporate", i would call it "identity of a
in the same move, i like andrea's offer of
subdomains a lot.
in my personal view, something like the following would be perfect:
linuxaudio.org (to become a portal with links to all
the sub-domains)
Linuxaudio.org should be about LinuxAudio, it makes no sense to promote linuxaudio if
any type of organisation gets a better promotion than linuxaudio itself.
lists.linuxaudio.org (what is now the administrative
part of the lad page)
with a neutral 'linux audio advocacy' mailing list which would serve as
a meeting point for the members of an organisation and linux audio developers
and users to discuss various opportunities of linuxuaudio promotion.
consortium.linuxaudio.org (what is now
community.linuxaudio.org (news about meetings and events, maybe a
user-driven news portal in the future)
organisation.linuxaudio.org should be devoted to an organisation
backing the linuxaudio efforts,
www.linuxaudio.org should be about the community.
software.linuxaudio.org (dave's site)
documentation.linuxaudio.org (all the stuff from patrick's site,
alsa-wiki, presentation material, press coverage, and whatever useful
remains after cleaning up the lad page)
alsa.linuxaudio.org (a link to the alsa site)
jack.linuxaudio.org (a link to
ladspa.linuxaudio.org (a link to
ladspa.org and plugin.org.uk)
i don't really care whether these are subdomains
or directories, but i
would love to see all the major linux audio sites (that relate to more
than one project or, such as jack, provide an infrastructure of sorts)
collected here and maybe share some common looks.
A unified and appealing design is what will help to promote linuxaudio.
don't get me wrong, i'm not intending to force
anybody in, or annihilate
people's private efforts. it's just a "would be nifty" scenario to have
everybody under one roof,
That was what i was proposing all the time, to make a unified
infrastructure with official "entrance"
http://eca.cx/lad/2004/01/0160.html - see bottom
Linuxaudio.org should *not* be about private efforts.
Linuxaudio.com unfortunately is about private efforts currently - for example.
I'd like to have a clearer understanding of what
the legal situation
of the Consortium is (or is planned to be). I do understand that
Daniel James is *very* busy preparing the booth at the Sounds Expo
2004, so we might as well stop making noise and wait for some answers
before going on (I'm not trying to pressure Daniel or anybody else, I
just believe in making small steps and fixing bugs/problems when they
arise - the legal status of the Consortium in all of this discussion
is, if not a bug, at least a point of uncertainty I'd like to see
resolved as soon as possible).
As someone who has a degree in law, i'd be very interested to see how this gets
I wasn't proposing a non-profit organisation (a legal entity) consisting of natural
by coincidence. But it's still the last step in linux audio promotion.
To provide an insight into the future: A formal organisation(from a legal point of view)
would/could later provide
services such as
sf.net. Projects with sublinks such as
jack.linuxaudio.org would later
become hosted projects.
Since the organisation would be non-profit, the possibility of providing such services
would depend on sponsorships and grants.
In order to accept them, it needs to have a legal status.
no, serious,
it's not a good idea imho to let go of the LAD acronym
since it's well introduced and widely known, but it does not have to
play a central role here - just "LA" or linux audio is fine.
It must be
said that LAD - in the sense of "Linux Audio Developers" -
puts all the attention to the developers. Whilst I do believe this
latter are of the utmost importance to spreading Libre Software into
the audio domain, we shouldn't forget that the task will need many
other competences besides coding - even more so when you think that
these competences are exactly those Libre Software projects always
have difficulties attracting: technical writers, graphic artists,
event organizers, and so on and so forth.
My point was - whatever it is it's still Linux Audio *.
Linux Audio Developers, Linux Audio Users, Linux Audio Projects, Linux Audio Applications,
Linux Audio Advocates, etc.
So the term "linuxaudio" is *very* important here:
1. You just need to know one word to find everything related on the web, whoever you
are(developer, user).
2. It must be easy to remember.
3. It has to identify the community and its projects.
> > I've been promising to do a dynamic,
user-maintainable version
> > of Dave's app listing for oh, a couple years now...
> > What were/are the exact requirements of such an application?
> We discussed some requirements a long time ago on LAD and/or LAU,
> I forget. I put up a quick mockup on my website and have done nothing
> since then.
Basically it's a basic content management system.
registered users can:
- post entries for new software
- post updates on software entries
It's important that anyone can submit new entries or updates of sw.
Let's not pester them with registration if they want to help by providing information.
community.linuxaudio.org (news about meetings and
events, maybe a
user-driven news portal in the future)
> > > I've been promising to do a dynamic, user-maintainable version
> > > of Dave's app listing for oh, a couple years now...
Basically it's a basic content management system.
</quote> and the LAD homepage.
It's important to see the whole picture. Those are all building blocks to one
unified infrastructure called "linuxaudio".
The aim should be to
1. work out that infrastructure
2. work out the (webbased) implementation of that infrastructure
Last note: there won't be many music industry companies wanting to step in for a
simple reason - the nature of open source.
Our aim should be to promote linux audio to attract new developers so that it would
accelerate the development of linux audio applications,
attract new audio users by providing them with a set of apps/tools they like/need to use.
Having a large userbase will allow linux audio developers to start their own successful