On Wed, Jul 12, 2017 at 7:45 PM, Ralf Mardorf <ralf.mardorf@alice-dsl.net> wrote:
On Wed, 12 Jul 2017 00:54:46 -0700 (MST), Carlo Capocasa wrote:
>> To reduce MIDI jitter for apps such as .e.g Qtractor, jack2 provides
>> the "-X alsarawmidi" option sine many years and in the meantime
>> jack1 got something similar, too.
>What confuses me is that the Ardour manual recommends a2jmidid for all
>jack versions except recent jack1.
>This could of course be a case of "NIH". I suppose we are going to
>need some numbers.


a while ago I used "-Xalsarawmidi" together with "a2jmidid". I can't say
what I will use in the future. I had no time to use much MIDI with my
latest mobo. However, at least a while ago -Xalsarawmidi didn't replace
a2jmidid, by my scripts both were used.

I just played a little bit and let Ardour do everything instead of using
a script. Seemingly Ardour did not start a2jmidid, but seemingly has
written this:

$ cat ~/.jackdrc
/usr/bin/jackd -t 200 -p 2048 -R -T -X alsarawmidi -d alsa -n 2 -r 44100 -p 128 -d hw:HDSPMx579bcc,0 -X alsarawmidi

Good catch. In my experience, Ardour's manual isn't always up-to-date.
NIH is definitely not something I think of about when Ardour is mentioned.
It has always used lots of 3rd party libraries, bleeding edge very often.
Besides, Paul Davis is a very experienced programmer who I have
very much trouble seeing as a person who would re-implement something