On Wed, April 26, 2017 12:22 pm, Frodo Jedi wrote:
> My goal is to send audio from the odroid board (master)
> to the mac (slave) using a direct ethernet connection.
The jackd master is the device with the audio hardware. Are your problems
perhaps caused because you are following the setup instructions for master
on a device with no audio hardware? (saw later on that you tried the other
way around, so let's concentrate on that configuration).
> On the master:
> /usr/bin/jackd -P 70 -p96 -t 2000 -dalsa -dhw:CODEC -S -s
> -r48000 -p128 -n2
> jack_load netmanager
That is on the odroid?
What ALSA compatible hardware is on the odroid?
In any event, the short of it is that ALSA is the driver for the audio
hardware, so whichever device has speakers connected better be the device
where you are giving the driver argument as "-dalsa" or you won't hear any
> Actually, if can be of any help, I also tried to set the mac
> as master and the linux board as the slave.
That should be the correct configuration if you want to connect the mac to
an amplifier and speakers and you want the linux odroid system to just
send digital audio information to the mac and have the mac play the audio.
> The result is that they seem to communicate,
> although jack on the mac crashes giving the error
> "Floating point exception: 8":
Can you run local jack aware software on the mac and play audio through
the mac audio hardware? Make sure you can get that working first before
trying to bring networking into it.
> Default input and output devices are not the same !!
> Cannot open default device in duplex mode, so aggregate
> default input and default output
> Separated input = 'Built-in Microphone'
> Separated output = 'Built-in Output'
If you aren't going to use "Built-in Microphone" as an input device, you
could start with playback only. That should get rid of the "input and
output devices are not the same !!" warning. I think that would be -P
passed the coreaudio driver parameters, or maybe -Cno -Pyes, the manual
page is a little vaguely
worded and I don't have a machine with coreaudio to play with to try it out.
That is assuming you want to use the built in audio for the output,
otherwise the wrong device is selected and you need to sort that out
> Takes physical 2 audio output(s) for slave
> Takes physical 0 MIDI input(s) for slave
> Takes physical 0 MIDI output(s) for slave
> Sending parameters to ...
> Floating point exception: 8
This is a modern mac with Intel processor? Just making sure. I don't
have a mac myself, but just in case someone else can help, which OS
This is the default multicast address reported by the master:
> Starting Jack NetManager
> Listening on ''
But you specified a unicast address in the place where you would usually
specify a multicast address different than default:
> On the slave (linux board):
> jackd -R -d net -a -p 19000
From the walk-through you linked:
Parameters for driver 'net' (all parameters are optional):
-a, --multicast_ip Multicast Address (default:
You are giving a unicast address as the argument for the multicast address
to use. Why did you think you needed to do that?
It seems the unicast address was ignored, because there is a message later
showing connected to macbook.
> Maximum number of input ports is reached for application ref = 0
> driver: cannot register port for system:midi_playback_769
> Can't allocate ports.
> Initing net driver fails...
That looks like the net backend driver is trying to register MIDI ports
for some reason, but the documentation says the default is no MIDI ports.
>From the walk-through page "The default configuration is a simple stereo
use, with no midi port." Maybe one of the jack2 devs can comment on
whether the behavior and documentation have diverged.
If you do get rid of the internal microphone as an input port, you should
probably set the net backend to not expect any input ports. I think that
would be adding -C 0 -P 2 to the arguments after -dnet.
I guess for good measure you could add -i 0 -o 0 to specify 0 MIDI in and
out ports, although that is supposed to be the default.
Chris Caudle
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