Hi there,
has the OP managed to find a solution to their request on this topic?

On Thu, Jun 1, 2017 at 5:05 PM, sqweek <sqweek@gmail.com> wrote:
On 31 May 2017 at 23:46, Chris Caudle <chris@chriscaudle.org> wrote:
On Wed, May 31, 2017 10:19 am, jamie marchant wrote:
>   I'm new to Jack. Can it be used to redirect audio output over
> Bluetooth?

Most use of bluetooth would be connecting to a bluetooth device, i.e.
playing computer audio through a bluetooth headphone.  What you want is
for your computer to act as if the computer is a bluetooth headphone.
That is not a common use case, so I would be very surprised if that
connection direction is supported.

IIRC once I setup bluetooth my phone automatically routed audio through to my [archlinux] laptop when connected, at least for notifications and the like. It was never something I setup intentionally though so I can't help with details. Pretty sure I was using a windows phone at the time; possibly it was android.

... not that any of this brings the subject closer to being on topic for JACK. I'll be quiet now :)

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