On Mon, Feb 1, 2016 at 7:54 AM, Kjetil Matheussen <k.s.matheussen@gmail.com> wrote:

Two reasons:
1. No need to use anything other than Jack. Ardour now has got the option of not using Jack. Shouldn't
have been necessary.

if you believe this, then clearly you do not understand why we did this.
2. It feels like a server configuration protocol will stabilize faster if clients also can function as servers
since more code is using it, not just qjackctl.

the server configuration protocol has existed for nearly 8 years. almost nobody has chosen to use it, for anything at all. jackdbus is more or less its only use case.

It works, but the more components you glue together, the higher the chance is for something
to fail. For instance didn't the messages window in the windows version of qjackctl show anything
coming from jackd until autumn 2015.

that has to do with windows and qjackctl, not with jackd.