* Does clock source matter if alsa_in resamples every audio sample to jack server's clock? Is it impossible to extract audio sample without knowing clock?
* How can I have my computer automatically switch clock source between SPDIF and internal? Is there a clock source named "SPDIF or internal"?

On Fri, Aug 9, 2019 at 7:21 AM Chris Caudle <chris@chriscaudle.org> wrote:
On Thu, August 8, 2019 5:10 pm, crocket wrote:
> Does changing clock source to internal clock or SPDIF make any difference
> on pops and clicks?

Your clock setting has to be consistent with the audio data flow.  If you
are sourcing audio data from S/PDIF input and set the clock source to
internal you will definitely get pops and clicks.  Internal clock should
only be used when audio input is through the converters on the interface,
or if you are only using S/PDIF for output.  The clock source should only
be set to S/PDIF if you have a valid S/PDIF data stream present, and you
should also verify that the sample rate you set for the interface matches
the actual rate of the S/PDIF data.

Chris Caudle

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