sorry I meant audio card's own driver.ᐧ_______________________________________________On Sun, Nov 11, 2018 at 2:19 AM BJ Raz <> wrote:I doubt an explaination is needed but I'll give one anyway.I've been trying to setup to use Synchronous Audio Router for about 2 weeks to stream with ASIO and not WDM.I am very confused I've looked at tons a videos on setting up Virtual Audio cables I am thurallly confused and I need help!I don't see this as the right place to ask for it but, I need someone that can help me with this. Streaming with twitch and keeping video game sound and chat on different autio cables and how it all goes back into OBS and Twtich audio chat.There are lots of vidoes on using Jackrouter and it often uses ASIO4ALL and I started to try and use Realtek, my video card's own driver and I ran into this error so I figured I'd report it. I do not have Synconious Audio Router installed yet. cause I figured I'd set up Jack first.Sorry for the long explanation of mine of what I'm trying to do and how I found the ASIO Realtek error.ᐧOn Fri, Nov 9, 2018 at 8:16 AM Kjetil Matheussen <> wrote:Can you try to run the version of jack included with Radium?Uninstall jack first, and then just run "qjackctl.exe" in the radium directory.You don't have to install anything.This version of jack is compiled with a version of portaudio from 2016, while the latest officialrelease of jack for windows includes a version of portaudio from 2012.If it works, it's probably a good argument to speed up the process of makinga new release for windows.On Fri, Nov 9, 2018 at 1:56 PM BJ Raz <> wrote:I just got the recent drivers for my audio card from Realtek and when I put then into Jackport Audio I get the following error message:Assertion failed!Program: D:\Users\brazg\AppData\Local\Programs\Jack\jackd.exeFile: C:\Users\letz\Desktop\Developpements\portaudio-21-11-2012\src\common\pa_process.c, Line 1558Expression: framesToProcess != 0Jack main caught signal 22For some reason the audio device: ASIO::Realtek ASIO does this._______________________________________________ ᐧ
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