For JACK in Windows 64-bit you have an extra manual installation step

From ...The Jack v 1.9.8/64bits/JackRouter.dll still has to be registered “manually” with regsvr32

Have you done that?

On May 2, 2018 at 5:38 PM, <Michael Z Freeman> wrote:

On Tue, May 1, 2018 2:35 pm, Kjetil Matheussen wrote:

> On Tue, May 1, 2018 at 3:27 PM, Chris Caudle <>
> wrote:
>> If we don't care, then should we start
>> marking those ports as only partially supported so users do not have
>> expectations that cannot be met?
> We shouldn't create a problem that doesn't exist. If there are problems
> with the windows or osx versions of Jack, they will be fixed. I will at
> least try to fix them since Radium uses jack and I don't see any reason to
> ditch jack. The main reason there
> hasn't been a new release for a while is because there hasn't been any
> reason to create a new release. They work just fine.

Thanks for this. That's what I was wondering. It does work fine in
32bit/x86 (see below) as I've found out. Below 5ms latency and now with 16
channels after I followed advice in other replies. Thanks people.

Docs mention contacting list if 64bit support required. I installed dual
32/64 version. Fine in 32, however with 64bit Mixxx it can't see the Jack
ASIO driver and with Reaper it can see it but the driver always crashes
and Reaper gives a message (have not got it in front of me just now).


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