So I've been trying to send the problem to the alsa mailing list. I successfully registered there and get their mails delivered. However, the mails I sent to their mailing list remain unanswered and they cannot be seen in the archive of January 2017. Something seems to block my mails. What could it be? Could someone of you maybe forward the initial mail to their list?

2017-01-23 14:31 GMT+01:00 Adrian Knoth <>:
On Mon, Jan 23, 2017 at 01:57:09PM +0100, Jörg Müller wrote:

> I need to combine two HDSPe MADI FX cards to one virtual device. I have a


> For combining the MADI FX cards to one virtual device, I created an
> .asoundrc with 194 inputs for each card. When I start that virtual device

You can (and probably should) ask this again on the ALSA ML if you want
to do it via ALSA virtual devices. The other option is to have jack open
both cards:

I have never tried it, but in theory, you just add -A 2ndALSAname to the
command line and be done.

Not sure how much documentation is available for this on the internet,
but might be worth trying.


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