On Mon, Feb 1, 2016 at 11:23 AM, Kjetil Matheussen <k.s.matheussen@gmail.com> wrote:

Oh, right. That's what I thought too, but I must have misunderstood what Paul
meant by "libjackserver isn't what you think it is". Anyway, good to know.
Now we only need to add gui functions to libjackserver (i.e. pull out stuff from
qjackctl into a new executable which can only be started by libjackserver, and communicate
with that executable via sockets), move libjackserver into libjack,
and let jack_client_open start jack via libjackserver.

GUI functions? they'd have to be in a separate process. so you still have to write a different executable, which means you're basically reinventing qjackctl but just fork+exec'ing it from a client rather than using jack auto-start features, plus making the real client wait until the server appears (which could be seconds, minutes or hours later).