A few Posts @github below:

"The point is not only JackPilot, but JackRouter/CoreAudio, the virtual CoreAudio device that allows any CoreAudio application to become a JACK client. Much like JackRouter/ASIO on Windows."

Am 06.04.2020 um 14:15 schrieb Hannes Helmholz:
On 2020-04-06 13:15, Alexander.Carot@hs-anhalt.de wrote:
I just tried to run JACK2 on OSX Catalina. I installed the binary and it
sais that it is not supported for Catalina anymore.
Are you sure the problem is not only JackPilot (not running on Catalina
anymore since 32bit)?
Using another front-end or Terminal `jackd` should work according to


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