Konfyt 1.2.0 has been released!

Konfyt is a digital keyboard workstation for Linux which allows you to set up patches, each with multiple layers, and instantly switch between these patches for live keyboard playing. Patches may consist of multiple layers of soundfonts (.sf2), SFZ instruments, audio input ports and MIDI output ports. Konfyt features a library for quick access to soundfont programs and SFZs.

The eagle eyed viewer will notice that the version number now sports a brand new middle digit with a zero at the end. Despite an optimistic effort to make a quarterly release in April, I couldn't get the changes that I wanted to make done in time. So now here we are a few months later. There is still a lot to do, but I didn't want to miss another release opportunity.

The MIDI filter now has a note velocity map, with a pretty graph and factory as well as user presets. This replaces the velocity min/max and limits that were previously in the MIDI filter. When loading an older project, the old velocity min/max and limits will be converted to a velocity map.

Another notable pair of new features is the automatic restarting of Linuxsampler if it happens to crash, and running soundfont scans in a separate process so malformed soundfonts don't crash Konfyt and can safely be ignored.



- Patch list drag and drop for re-ordering patches.
- Detect Linuxsampler process crash and automatically restart.
- Soundfont scanning for library is now done in a separate process so Fluidsynth
  crashes due to malformed soundfonts don't affect Konfyt.
- Pitchbend up and down ranges in MIDI filter.
- Add CC block-list to MIDI filter.
- Note velocity mapping with graph and presets in MIDI filter.
- Escape key returns to main patch view.
- Library context menu to remove patch from library.
- When a patch is selected in the library, show info and layers below library.
- Add liblscp version to about text.


- Apply patch list number/note show/hide setting when loading a project.
- Change volume when master volume slider is moved without using the mouse.
- Only relay noteoff messages to GUI (e.g. in console or received MIDI events lists)
  if it actually resulted in a noteoff message being sent.
- MIDI send list editor now only shows received MIDI events for the corresponding


- When console/main window not available any more (e.g. during program exit),
  send print output to stdout.
- CC allow-list in MIDI filter is now space-separated text.
- Entire top toolbar area becomes red to emphasise when Panic is activated.
- Patches in library view don't show file extension any more.
- Some code housekeeping and refactoring.


- MIDI filter note velocity limits - replaced by velocity mapping.


The source code and precompiled binaries (under Releases) are available on Github:

Documentation can be found at Read the Docs:

Some more info, links to videos and news are available on the Konfyt website: