Radium is a vertical music editor. Radium is inspired by trackers, but uses graphics to show musical data. Radium also supports MIDI sequencing and hard disk recording.

Radium has features like smooth scrolling, zooming, automation, piano roll, and embedded Pure Data (Pd).

Homepage: http://users.notam02.no/~kjetism/radium/

Demonstration video by Tobias Lutzenkirchen showing some
of the features: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhwmT0G5EwM

Demonstration video showing developing Faust programs inside Radium:

Changes 4.0.0 -> 4.1.2:
* Optionally show CPU usage per instrument in the mixer.
* Optionally auto-suspend instruments to save CPU.
* Add bypass and keyboard grab buttons to native VST GUI windows.
* Several fixes for plugin delay compensation and MIDI timing.
* Cut/copy/paste instruments in the mixer.
* Option to save multiple presets into one file.
* Multitrack hard disk recording. Peaks are updated in realtime while recording.
* Option to render range into soundfile.
* Option to quantitize automation.
* Additional included effects for doing pitch shifting and convolution.
* Reduced memory usage.
* Support drag-dropping audio and preset files.
* MIDI learn can also learn from input event connections.
* Grey out editor when editor doesn't have keyboard focus.
* Faster graphics.
* Many minor bug fixes and new features.