Dear Reader,

Music and technology come together on November the 4th and 5th 2017 in Cologne, Germany. See, hear and learn how music gets created using free and open source software and hardware. Meet new people and their exiting creative techniques; and show your own, if you want! The only requirement for participation is an interest to make and create music. You do not have to be an expert of any kind to enjoy the event.

The theme of the convention is making music with free and open source software and hardware. That includes a single program up to a whole operating system. No matter the technology, the music is at the centre of it. Every talk, demonstration or workshop will be focused on music. This also includes a top-down approach e.g. we advise our speakers to start with a piece of music and refer everything after that to it.

You are invited to apply to present anything that matches the theme of Sonoj Convention. To apply please fill out the form on the website or write an e-mail to We only require a preliminary text that broadly outlines your idea. Mention at least how much time it will take and the format of your idea (e.g. demonstration of your own music and workflow, tutorial with audience-participation etc.). We will get in touch with you shortly after your submission.

For more information see


Nils Hilbricht for the organization team

Sonoj Convention
November the 4th and 5th 2017
Venue: Heliosstrasse 6a 50825 Cologne, Germany